Sustainable development
Based on the principles of circular economy, we develop sustainable solutions for the productive industries of our region, producing meal, oil and Black Soldier Fly insect fertilizer through the bioconversion of residual organic waste, generated by the aquaculture and agricultural industries.
Insects are a natural source of proteins, lipids and micronutrients, and they have been present in the diet of animals and humans for thousands of years.
Insects are a natural source of proteins, lipids and micronutrients, and they have been present in the diet of animals and humans for thousands of years.

Our Products
Meal, oil and fertilizers based on insects, rich in proteins, fatty acids, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
4 May, 2021

Insect-based foods gain strength in Chile
You can see the original story in: http://portal.nexnews.cl/showN?valor=MTVINjUzNTJINTQ0
4 May, 2021

SAG authorizes the commercialization of insect-based products
En los próximos años, considerando la tasa actual de crecimiento de la
4 May, 2021

Natpro processes waste from Multiexport Foods process plant
You can see the original story in: https://www.salmonexpert.cl/article/multiexport-foods-busca-enviar-cero-residuos-a-relleno-sanitario/ Chile: